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Yoast SEO Premium Plugin

Wordpress Plugin Yoast SEO Premium Plugin v22.1

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Wordpress Plugin
Yoast SEO Premium Plugin

Yoast SEO Premium Plugin: the #1 WordPress SEO plugin​

Yoast seo for woocommerce plugin

  • Get more visitors from Google and Bing
  • Attract more visitors from social media
  • Increase your readers’ engagement
With Yoast SEO Premium Plugin you can enter the keyword or keyphrase you’d like your post or page to rank for in the search results. We then run a check on your content to check whether you’re using the keywords often enough – but not too often – and in the right spots. In Yoast SEO Premium, we take this one major step further. We will not only check for the keyword or keyphrase you enter, but we will analyze your text on all variations of that word or phrase.

Yoast SEO Premium Plugin features and benefits​

Use the Semrush tool in Yoast SEO Premium Plugin to find data about your keyphrases. Boost the relevance of your content by optimizing for related keywords people actually use. If you have Yoast SEO Premium, you’ll unlock the possibility to add these related keyphrases immediately, so that you can optimize for those as well.

Internal linking suggestions

Internal linking is extremely important because it helps search engines to understand your site structure. But adding links by hand is slow, tedious, and downright annoying. With the internal linking feature in Yoast SEO Premium Plugin, that’s a thing of the past. This feature analyzes your text and suggests links to related posts – as you write. Taking all the hassle out of internal linking!

Preview of your page in Google

Thanks to the snippet editor, you can see through the eyes of the Google user: what will your post or page look like in the search results? And on mobile screens? Would you click a link like that? In the free version, you can only preview your link in Google, not in Facebook or Twitter.

Improve the readability of your posts and pages

Online readers don’t read – they scan. Just like you are probably doing right now. So you should write short sentences, add subheadings and use connecting words. Do you think that’s a lot harder than it sounds? No worries. Yoast SEO Premium Plugin will tell you exactly what to do, based on scientific research on readability, such as the Flesch Reading Ease score.

Latest updates

  1. Yoast SEO Premium Plugin 22.1

    In our most recent update, Yoast SEO 22.1, we are pleased to announce significant enhancements...

Latest reviews

  • Light Lion
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: v22.1
working fine