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LicenseBox - PHP Licenser and Updates Manager

PHP Scripts LicenseBox - PHP Licenser and Updates Manager V1.6.4 ( NULLED )

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PHP Scripts
LicenseBox - PHP Licenser and Updates Manager

Introducing LicenseBox – the all-in-one solution for managing licenses and updates for your PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes. Our easy-to-use platform offers a user-friendly interface and requires minimal server resources to run. But that’s not all – LicenseBox also comes with integration examples, sample codes, and a built-in helper file generator to make integration into your existing applications a breeze. And if you’re concerned about security, we’ve got you covered with our inbuilt PHP obfuscation service.

LicenseBox consists of two parts: the main script (admin panel) that you install on your own server, and a single helper file that you include in your PHP application. You can also easily access the API using any other programming language, thanks to the powerful REST API.

If you need custom integrations for PHP, Python, VB.net, C#, C++, Adobe JSX, or other languages, get in touch with our team at support@licensebox.app

We provide support only via our email (support@licensebox.app)
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LicenseBox Features

Top-Rated Licensing Solution​

LicenseBox is a highly-rated licensing solution that is used by many well-known Envato authors and freelancers.

Effortlessly Manage Licensing of Your Products​

Easily manage the licensing of your products, including automated license, support, and updates expiry email notifications.

Easily Distribute Updates for Your Products​

Use LicenseBox to manage updates for your products and release new updates with just one click from your admin panel.

User-Friendly UI and Developer-Friendly Documentation​

LicenseBox has a user-friendly interface and comprehensive, easy-to-understand documentation for developers.

Built-In PHP Obfuscator/Encoder​

LicenseBox comes with a PHP obfuscation service that allows you to easily conceal your PHP code, making it harder to understand and nullify your scripts.

Lock Licenses to Domains/IPs​

Restrict activations of your products to specific, licensed domains/IPs.

Serve Updates Only to Valid Licenses​

Ensure that users can only download updates if they have a valid, activated license.

Full PHP Licensing Solution​

With a powerful API, code examples, and samples, LicenseBox is a feature-rich PHP license system.

Powerful, Well-Documented API​

LicenseBox includes a powerful, restful API that can be accessed using any programming language.

Full Envato API Support​

LicenseBox offers full support for Envato purchase codes out of the box, automatically populating license data from Envato – a must-have feature for Envato authors.

Includes a Sample WordPress Plugin​

LicenseBox comes with a sample WordPress plugin that includes both licensing and updates management features.

Automated Domain/IP Blacklisting​

Automate the blacklisting of domains or IP addresses based on failed activations of your products.

API Helper File Generator​

LicenseBox includes an in-built API helper file generator for easy integration with your PHP-based applications. Simply include the helper class and call functions.

Fully Multilingual API​

The LicenseBox API supports multiple languages, making it easier to use with multilingual products.

Cron Job Scripts​

Automate the sending of email notifications and keep your Envato purchase codes in sync with the Envato API using in-built cron scripts.

Code Samples and Examples​

LicenseBox includes simple and easy-to-use sample installer, updater, activator, and deactivator PHP scripts, as well as a sample WordPress plugin.

Custom Integration Support​

Easily extend and control LicenseBox using the internal API to create licenses and products from your OMS or payment system.

Built with CodeIgniter​

LicenseBox is built using CodeIgniter, a trusted PHP framework that follows the best security standards.

Buy Once and Use Across All of Your Products​

LicenseBox is adaptable to a variety of applications, so you can buy it once and use it across all of your products.

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Admin panel demo:
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Admin Login:
Username: admin
Password: admin1234

Sample installer demo:
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Sample activator demo:
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Sample updater demo:
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LicenseBox isn’t just for installers and updaters. It also offers a wide range of easy-to-use functions that can be used in your application, plugins, and more. With LicenseBox, the possibilities are endless. So, feel free to use LicenseBox in whatever way best fits your needs.


  • PHP 7 or later
  • MySQL/MariaDB 5.6 or later
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Curl PHP Extension
  • Openssl PHP Extension


If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email at support@licensebox.app and we will be happy to help. Please note that we can have response times of up (to 2 business days).


Version 1.6.4 (17th Feb 2023)

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