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Database Cleaner and Optimizer Pro

Wordpress Plugin Database Cleaner and Optimizer Pro 1.0.3

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Wordpress Plugin
Database Cleaner and Optimizer Pro

Database Cleaner and Optimizer Pro

Best plugin to clean database. Friendly UI, packed with tons of features, supports databases of all sizes.

if you are looking for the best database cleaner for WordPress, this is it! Database Cleaner and Optimizer Pro will clean and optimize your database thoroughly, swiftly, through an easy or expert mode, depending on your expertise. Database Cleaner also works on huge databases, which is not the case of any other plugin!

Database Cleaner and Optimizer Pro was build based on the success of this brother Media Cleaner, and years of experiences and issues using the other database cleaners. We felt like it was time for a new one, well-made and powerful. The plugin was released in 2022, but it is already perfectly stable. Please enjoy it

Handle big databases
The only database cleaning plugin that handles cleaning big DB through smart controlled queries.

Database Cleaner adapts its recommendations depending on the plugins you are using.

Focus on actual optimization
Removing temporary or trashed data is not enough! Database Cleaner focuses on optimizations which really matter.

More Database Cleaner and Optimizer Pro Features:

  • Delete useless Data​

    Old revisions, trashed posts, useless metas, useless relationships, useless users, useless comments, transients, etc.
  • Delete useless Tables​

    You’ll be able to check which tables are known, unknown, or actually useless.
  • Handle useless Options​

    You’ll be able to check which options are used, and toggle their autoloaded status.
  • Handle useless Post Types​

    That’s what most often slows down your WordPress the most!
  • Enhanced “Used By” column for Tables, Post Types and Options​

    This column will try its best to tell you by which plugin this item is normally used (installed or not).
  • Automatic Auto-Clean​

    The cleaning will be done regularly, little by little, without any stress or slowing-down your install.

    If you are looking for the best database cleaner for WordPress, this is it! Database Cleaner will clean and optimize your database thoroughly, swiftly, through an easy or expert mode, depending on your expertise. Database Cleaner also works on huge databases, which is not the case of any other plugin!

    Database Cleaner was build based on the success of this brother Media Cleaner, and years of experiences and issues using the other database cleaners. We felt like it was time for a new one, well-made and powerful. Today, it definitely is!


    Handle big databases​

    The only database cleaning plugin that handles cleaning big DB through smart controlled queries.


    Database Cleaner adapts its recommendations depending on the plugins you are using.

    Focus on actual optimization​

    Removing temporary or trashed data is not enough! Database Cleaner focuses on optimizations which really matter.

  • DatabaseCleanerPro.png
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